Since immigrating to the United States as a young fellow, Steffon longed to live the American dream. Today, he is making his dreams come true! He went from being educated on pharmacy, to now educating hundreds of young black people across the nation on how to trade. He has reached the Chairman 25 level of the IML Academy, a very distinguished position in the organization. Steff attributes his success to his faith in God, and a strong support system of family friends, because no one can truly "do it alone". So without further ado, I present to you a young black king that's blazing through the international financial markets. Ladies and gents give it up for "Steffon Watten The Global Investor".

The UpNext: Who is Steff?
Steffon: I am Steffon Watten. I am an investor in the largest financial market in the world & a global influencer. Born and raised in Georgetown Guyana, I came to the United States of America in 2006 as a 10-year-old boy, eager to live the American dream. I then moved to Teaneck, New Jersey where I graduated high school then went off to study Pharmacy at the beautiful Hampton University.
At Hampton, I pledged the Beta Chi Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity incorporated. In my junior year of college, I realized that Pharmacy was not for me because I did not see myself working behind a counter for the rest of my life. I graduated in May 2018 with a bachelor’s in Biology. Shortly after graduation, I got a job working as an inside pharmaceutical sales representative. I worked there for 6 months then left due to the work culture being faint and wanting to surround myself with more people I could relate to. I then got another Corporate job working at AEROTEK as a healthcare recruiter providing jobs to people that were nurses, doctors, pharmacist, and medical assistants. In 2019, after working a total of 16 months, I decided to walk away after seeing massive results trading in the Forex market, and showing others how to do the same. Now, I’m job free, retired, and making multiple 6 figures a year. My investment group is well over 2000+ people. We go by the name of C.R.E.A.M Team LLC.

The UN: What made you decide to do FOREX?
SW: I wanted to do FOREX once I realized I was not making enough money at my job. I was still living check to check. I needed another source of income and felt like this was an easy way to make money. I was tired of exchanging my time for small amounts of money.
The UN: What’s been the most difficult thing you’ve had to face in this journey?
SW: The most difficult thing I have faced in this journey was losing my father when I first hit chairman 10. I was not ready to lose the reason why I go hard every day. It caught me and my mom by surprise. But I’ve been able to keep my spirits high and just work even harder as if he were here.

The UN: Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years with trading?
SW: I see myself up millions of dollars, investing in multiple businesses, franchises, real estate properties, etc. I see myself as a motivational speaker traveling the world helping people build their businesses.

The UN: What is your leadership style when you’re teaching your team how to trade?
SW: My leadership style is having lots of energy to make it fun to learn because the information can be boring sometimes to someone that may not be fully committed to learning the skill. I tend to be very patient and motivational to keep people disciplined with the learning process.
The UN: Why is it important for black people to start trading?
SW: It’s important because it’s a skill the government does not want us to learn about. They fear us learning about a way that we can change the world and invest in things that will make us money. So it’s my job and others in the world to educate the other 98% of the world that does not know that this skill even exists.

|"There were so many days I wanted to walk away."|
The UN: How has your faith grown in this journey?
SW: My faith has grown a lot in this journey because there were so many days I wanted to walk away. I wanted to give up and quit because times were hard. But I stayed the course and came up with solutions. I decided I needed to take my pain and turn it into champagne. So I’ve gotten very close to God. My way of getting anywhere in life is through him. I know my fathers are watching over me as I go through these different stages in my life and business.

The UN: What are 13 tips you can give someone who’s aspiring to become a trader in the Foreign Exchange Market?
SW: 1. Study the people who have the results you want. 2. Never stop being a student
3. Always educate yourself 4. Never give up 5. Don’t compare your trading journey to anyone else 6. Keep your faith 7. Practice one strategy at a time. 8. Work on your weaknesses 9. Self-development training 10. Try to get 1% better every day 11. Benefit the collective 12. Don’t be selfish be selfless 13. Set & stick to your daily goals.

The UN: What is your WHY?
SW: My father and mother are my "why". They are the reason I go hard because they have given up everything for me, even their own house just to put me through school. So I will make sure they get it back.
The UN: What’s your biggest accomplishment so far in Forex?
SW: Going from platinum 5000 to Chairman 25 in 55 days.
Learn more about Steff & The C.R.E.A.M Team LLC.
So inspiring! I enjoyed a lot and found valuable ideas. Thanks for sharing.
Steffon is a liar, hacker, and scammer letting everyone know so stay clear of him.
I will post something everyday all day if I have to to get this loser and liar off social media. He’s doing a lot of damage to peoples lives.
Don’t listen to nothing he says he’s a liar and a scammer. I have a list of peoples names and accounts that he’s hacked into and scammed hundreds of dollars from them. Including myself. I’m going public with this list and I hope he gets everything that’s coming his way. He hacks into people accounts and asked random people for money.