I don't think anyone wants to spend decades on this planet and never see the diversity of places God created. Let today be the day that you start moving towards your travel dreams. Stop making excuses for yourself. Yes, I know we're going through a pandemic right now, but this too shall pass. Just imagine all the places you've never seen or ventured to. Think of the animals, people, food, culture, landscapes and scenery. What if I told you that God created us to have dominion over the earth. Would you believe me? Sometimes it's hard to understand things that are foreign to you, because you were only exposed to a small preview of what God has to offer you to experience in this world. Perhaps you rely on your family, friends and significant other to travel God's creation. However, what happens when they don't follow through with the plans and you're left alone with this big idea and desire? Do you just call it quits and just throw it away? Let me guess, you don't know what you'll do in that situation. Well luckily I know someone who can answer all of those questions and more.

Her name is Rashauna but most people just call her Shauna. She's from Washington, D.C. and graduated from Hampton University in 2018. She currently creates digital products for clients, including website design and branding through social media. Shauna would say that she's a mix of a creative strategist, digital marketer, and story teller. She really enjoys telling visual stories with her content, especially through her Instagram stories. Her brand, “Kultured ń Curious”, is a representation of who she is. Shauna embraces different cultures through traveling, reading, and interacting with all types of people. She's always looking to grow her network and support other creatives. Without further delay I present to you Rashauna David "The Explorer"

The UpNext: Who is Shauna and what makes her unique?
Shauna: "Shauna is a creative, travelista, scholar, cultural enthusiast, techy, and much more. She is a young black woman who is trying to make a difference in this world by spreading positivity, giving back to her community, sharing knowledge, and encouraging others to take that leap of faith. Sometimes we all just need that extra push to step out of our comfort zones, fail, get back up, and try again."
The UpNext: What made you choose an HBCU?
Shauna: "I didn’t choose a HBCU, the HBCU life chose me from birth. I am a third generation Hamptonian. Both my grandfather and mother attended Hampton, and were DIE HARD. My mother has attended homecoming every year since she graduated. I had no other choice."
The UpNext: What do you love about traveling?
Shauna: "Traveling for me is an escape. It is more than a passport stamp or beautiful picture. It is a way for me to leave everything behind and experience something that is truly remarkable. As Americans, we can often be very minuscule in the way we think and see things. Traveling opens up my mind to a world other than my own. It makes me have compassion, understanding for people at a deeper level, and makes me more culturally aware. I love coming back, sharing stories, and encouraging others to travel places that they would not have even thought of traveling too."

The UpNext: Where’s the best place to travel to?
Shauna: "I wouldn’t say there is any best place to travel to. It all has to do with preference. I personally love traveling to places with rich cultures. I also love warm environments so you can often find me by the beach. However, if I had to choose the top 2 places I’ve traveled to I would say Barcelona, Spain and Senegal, West Africa. I can go in great detail about both places but I’m going to keep it short (lol)… Travel to Barcelona with a group of friends. It is a very diverse place, great shopping, amazing architecture, and just lots of fun. If you want a piece of the motherland, travel to Senegal. You will learn tons of information about the Atlantic Slave Trade. You have to make sure you visit Gambia, a small country in the middle of Senegal. There you will find the “Door of No Return”. It speaks for itself. Also, AMAZING AMAZING food!"
The UpNext: What’s your bucket list for travel?
Shauna: "The list runs long – Egypt, Brazil, Morocco, South Africa, Turkey, Rome, Greece, Japan, Hong Kong, New Zealand, etc."
The UpNext: Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years when it comes to traveling?
Shauna: "Honestly, I can see myself living abroad for 2- 5 years. I really want to travel the country of Africa. Africa has such a strong history and so many cultures bunched into one continent. I want to visit countries such as Morocco, Tanzania, Egypt, Ghana, and South Africa. I can also see myself starting a non-profit. I have a family friend who lives and teaches in Tanzania. I would love to gain sponsorship to donate computers and other technological devices over to the country to help build up the community."

The UpNext: What’s your favorite quote?
Shauna: "I remember listening to a song by Drake. He said –
“I know a girl whose one goal was to visit Rome
Then she finally got to Rome And all she did was post pictures for people at home 'Cause all that mattered was impressin' everybody she's known”
This quote struck me hard because people really travel just to impress other people. I know this because I used to be that girl who used to try to please everyone but myself. Travel to live. Travel to love. Travel to experience. Forget everyone else. I posted on my story a while ago and posed the question.. “Would you travel if you couldn’t bring a camera?” My answer, hell yeah!"
The UpNext: What advice can you give someone else interested in travel?
Shauna: "Stop waiting on that friend who’s “always ready to go” but never follows through. I took a leap of faith last year and went on my first solo trip to Thailand and Singapore. I have no regrets. I was tired of waiting for other people to do what I wanted to do. It may be scary at first but I promise you, everything will be okay. You have a short life to live. Don’t waste it on other people. Your time is NOW!"