PHOTOGRAPHY BY: @kalshotit @alidope @jvisuals312 @flynnstone
New Era & @dopeoverdose

Kai is a Hip Hop artist and Fashion Designer from Brooklyn, New York. He's the co-founder of CYN, creator of the clothing brand God, Glory, and Gold, and a published author! Kai also obtained his business degree from Hampton University in 2019. Bright and educated, Kai knew from a young age that music was his calling. Although he grew up in the high life of a well-known celebrity circle, Kai is extremely grounded and determined to make his own name, his own way. Presented with a golden opportunity in life, Kai’s career has skyrocketed to new heights in what seems like a short period of time. But all that glitters isn’t gold; there were bumps along the way, but Kai trust himself and the Lord. If you're reading this remember, God will never demand something of you that he hasn't planted in you. Seek approval from God instead of others. He’ll brighten your path so you can fulfill your destiny. So without further ado, I present to you Kai Ca$h "The Simply Exquisite Artist".

The UpNext: Who is Kai Ca$h? How would you describe your musical style?
Kai Ca$h: "Kai Ca$h is a young elegant fella and determined man who got the chance to see the world from two great perspectives. I’m a young hustler, optimistic, hard-working, manifesting, make-it-happen, skillful child of God. My musical style is something I call “Exquisite Simplicity” and I use that term because to me, it’s simple but it’s too good at the same time."
The UpNext: Where did you grow up? How did it shape who you are and your creativity?
Kai: "I grew up in Brooklyn, NY for the most part. After I turned 12, I began spending time out of state with my family so I started going to California in the summertime but predominantly NY. It allowed me to be versatile in various ways. I got to see the polar opposite sides of life from opposite ends of the country. New York kept my sense of reality relatable to everyday people, and Cali allowed me to also tap in with the upper class. My creativity came from the music I listened to, but being able to experience what I did in life helped my ability to create stories in my music based on what I knew and saw."
The UpNext: What is the first album you ever owned? How did you acquire it?
Kai: "1st album I ever owned was Bow Wow’s first album lol. My mom had bought it for me."

The UpNext: Where do you find your artistic inspiration?
Kai: "I find all my artistic inspiration in the entertainment I indulge in. Whether it’s the music I listen to, the documentaries I watch, or the art around me, I’m always inspired by what I work in. Beyond that, I like hearing and seeing upcoming, new artists’ work."
The UpNext: What song do you have on repeat right now?
Kai: "Austin Powers” by YNJay lol shit is fire!"
The UpNext: Who’s your fashion icon and why?
Kai: "To be honest I don’t know lol, I don’t really look to a particular person for fashion, I get dressed based on my moods."

The UpNext: What is one experience in life that, without it, you wouldn’t be the artist you are today?
Kai: "Trying out for sports. As a kid, my whole family was good at at least one sport. I was that kid that was horrible at every single sport. Being that I was musically inclined since I was young, music was always a choice for me, I just wanted to try out sports because I felt it was the thing kids do, but I knew I didn’t like it because I wasn’t good. In all honesty, I took that as a sign from God lol."

The UpNext: What does the Black Lives Matter movement mean to you?
Kai: "The Black Lives Matter movement to me means a bigger voice, a broader spectrum of the fight against racism and social injustices; the multicultural, multifaceted, platform that has helped us as a people be heard and understood more. Despite the challenges we still face, assistance from this movement has provided a few more baby steps toward some sort of justice."
The UpNext: What’s the meaning behind your clothing brand God, Glory, Gold (G3)?
Kai: "God, Glory, and Gold means that I believed in myself through my faith in God. With the journey I embarked on, I received the honor of my work and achievements which is considered the glory and the gold is the prize in the end. I was 15 when I started the line lol, it was metaphorical for my life, and that was the vibe I was going for."
The UpNext: Tell me about the first song you ever made. Was it a success or a failure in your opinion?
Kai: "I wrote my first song at 7 years old. For a 7-year-old it was definitely a huge success, it was amazing lol. I plan on releasing it sometime soon too so my fans can listen to it. It’s crazy though I got in trouble for that song because I snuck with my cousin to the Bronx (from Brooklyn) and didn’t come home until 10 pm…. I was 7."
The UpNext: How do you cope with anxiety?
Kai: "I had to teach myself how to get through it. I went through various methods ranging from writing about my feelings in a journal to talking to people that listened and helped, meditating, and many more methods. With all the tactics being regularly practiced, I started fully coming to a place where I was comfortable again without even realizing it. It definitely wasn’t easy but I just did it because I had the desire to be better. So for anyone reading this that deals with anxiety my words to you are to never ever give up, keep helping yourself, finding yourself, and it’ll all work in your favor in the end."

The UpNext: What haven’t you attempted yet that you hope to? (Inside or outside of music)
Kai: "I haven’t learned to play an instrument yet and I have a huge desire to do so. I was in a piano class in high school but I got kicked out due to joking around lol."
The UpNext: What would you be doing right now, if it wasn’t for your music career?
Kai: "If I weren’t a musician I would be taking on the fashion world or some sort of designing for something big. I have a big love for art, all forms of art, so I definitely would have been someone’s creative director or graphic designer somewhere."

The UpNext: What is next for Kai Cash? What do you want your supporters to know about you?
Kai: "Man oh man. I just finished two amazing projects I can’t wait to release but I’m getting all the logistics together for them so they’ll be out during the 1st and 2nd quarters of 2021. These projects are so amazing because I got the chance to work with live instruments and my own team of composers and I never ever did that so I’m super excited. At the moment it’s just me perfecting my musical craft in every aspect so all that will be coming from me is greater quality in my music and in my visuals. I want the supporters to know that I love and will always love them for being here with me from the beginning. Thank you."
Thank you for your time Kai and choppin' it up with the UpNext we wish you success in all your endeavors!
Follow Kai on IG: kaicash