“I'll be up up and away, up up and away
'Cause they gon' judge me anyway, so whatever.”
-- Kid Cudi

Ifueko is a Jersey Native with California Dreams. It's something about the dry heat that inspires ambition. Ifueko's your average girl kind of ... but not really... more like eccentric. She's a 1st generation American raised within Nigerian culture, so adapting to different situations comes naturally. "Nigerian culture is more respectful to their elders and parents. When someone who's older than you, you give them respect. Americans are more- show respect, give respect but most things were the same." Her parents pushed education as both of her parents are educators, but YouTube is something she's always wanted to pursue.
When asked how her parents felt about her Youtube career she replied, “they're not taking it seriously. They share amongst their friends but at the end of the day, my mom is like when are you getting serious again? They're supportive but not enthusiastic." Not the first time we've heard this scenario and it definitely won't be the last, so it is a true testament to living your life for yourself. Your purpose isn't to make anyone else but yourself feel fulfilled, and take a chance on the things you feel driven to accomplish.

An alumna of Kane University with a Communications degree, Ifueko was lucky to intern for Universal Motown Records after she graduated, and stayed with them for 2 years eventually venturing into public relations (PR) solo. She maximized her efforts as an intern by collecting contacts, forming genuine relationships, and made some money! PR is great and all, but PR is something you can always go back to and use. "I'm happy I learned PR and I know it."
"The industry is unpredictable, unforgivable, and fun!"

The UpNext: What was it like working at Motown Records?
Ifueko: It was fun. I got to see the behind-the-scenes of how the music is distributed. I was lucky in all aspects. Phylicia Fant didn't treat me as an intern. She made sure I worked parties and events; I was everywhere!
Top 3 PR Skills
Know how to sell yourself → you should always think outside of your brand. Look from the outside in and think of how other people feel.
Sociable → you have to put yourself out there, especially when you go to events. Know how and when to approach somebody. You can learn that but it always comes with feeling; know the environment and see for yourself.
You gotta be fake a lil' bit → in other words you can't have a bad day and must adapt in any environment.
The UpNext: What made you step away from PR?
Ifueko Igbinovia: Love PR, will do it some now and then but I'm very empathetic and care about a lot of things. You form a bond and relationship with clients and I was not taking care of myself, and it got stressful. I needed a break and to focus on myself. I'm like I have dreams, aspirations, and goals too! So, Youtube was the perfect platform to be creative, and talk and do what I wanted.

The inspiration behind her channel, Living in My Mind, was the fact that she talks to herself A LOT. Before I called, she talked to herself (when she talks to herself, she responds 👀…), bantering back and forth. She lives alone, just her and her cat (Haru), and he’s just watching her like what's wrong with this human? "I wanted to show that side of me. Me living my life and talking to myself in the process". Her own way to show people you can be cool and weird at the same time.
I guess you could say the people she’s trying to reach are weirdos, which is partial, but the true target audience would be people in their 30s and 20s; what we’re going through in our generation.
“Wait… you do that too?”

The UpNext: What's your favorite thing & least favorite thing about the YT community?
Ifueko: My favorite thing is connecting with people who feel the same way as you do. I don't know why we all get the feeling that we have quirks that other people don't have, and once you find someone else, you feel that love, that connection. You find so much stuff, watching videos for hours back to back. I was like I can do this too.
What I don't like is there are so many new restrictions. They are cracking down... before you post a video they scan everything. Their guidelines are getting stricter and stricter.

The UpNext: How did you come up with the #judgemeanyway hashtag?
Ifueko: I took that from Kid Cudi. He has this song called up, up, and away from his first album. After attending his listening party (the album was distributed through universal), I discovered who he was and fell in love with his music. He talks about how he's going to be himself no matter what he does. No matter what you go through in life, no matter what you do, you’ll get judged. And I like that because it's so true."
When she first started her channel, she was nervous and scared, thinking "I’m going to be talking to myself on camera in front of people?” basically kinda not wanting to do it. But the thought was whether she did it or not, judgment would be there no matter what. But were a few judgments going to stop her from channeling into her creativity? Absolutely not. But like everyone, you have your days where you just need to rest. We can't do everything, be everyone all the time. As creatives, it's frequent to wear many hats and also keep up with and execute the ideas buzzing around in your head or falling prey to procrastination.

The UpNext: What’s something you failed recently and what did you learn?
Ifueko: I was supposed to have a video out but it was a long weekend and I failed because I said in my last video I would have another video on Friday and even my friend was like … your video? And I'm like yeah I'm working on that. I felt like crap the entire weekend. All I thought about was how I said I had an interview with Jim Jones coming out and it was just lingering in the back of my mind.
It be’s like that especially as creatives… wanting to do so much but working so hard until you burn yourself out!
The UpNext: So what does asking for help look like for you?
* 5-sec pause*
Ifueko: That is a good question! It's so hard for me. People give me suggestions sometimes and I take criticism but even if you critique it, I'll listen, but I'll still want it to be my vision. I'm the type of person where I have to do it. My mom brought us up not to ask for help... every time we would go somewhere she would say, "don't ask for anything, and if they ask? smile and say no thank you".
I won't ask but if you want to help me I'll allow you to help me.

The UpNext: Do you have any tips or advice for others who are just starting a YouTube Channel?
Ifueko: Yes. I would say start. Just start. Because once you start, you'll feel it and the passion comes out. If you keep saying, imma do it, imma do it, putting it off, you're never gonna get to it."
MUA Credit: @NydiaFigueroa
Dress: @DollsKill
Instagram: @Fueko_xoxo