Some people come into your life for a season, and some come for a lifetime. I was always taught never to mix seasonal people up with lifetime expectations. As I ventured throughout college at Hampton University I've come across a lot of great people; who eventually would turn into outstanding friends and family. I really didn't know much about Brooklyne when I first arrived to Hampton University, but one thing I did know that she was passionate about her future and was determined to make a change on campus. Our paths eventually crossed when we both became class officers our junior year. Brooklyne was named Ms. Junior Attendant and I was appointed to Junior Class Vice President. If you know Brooklyne then you know she's serious about her... well you know the rest. I can honestly say that Brooklyne is one of the main reasons I'm the man that I am today. Her personality is so contagious it just makes you want to be great every moment you're in her presence. Even though we were class officers junior year I was still feeling Brooklyne out. I guess you can say I was a little intimidated by her; not because of her position but how she commanded her position as a black woman. In a sense it made me want to follow her and understand why she goes so hard. My mother always told me, "In order for you to become a great leader you must learn how to follow before you can lead anyone" and who would've ever thought that Brooklyne would be the one preparing me to lead.

As we fast forward to senior year Brooklyne is now the Senior Class Representative to the Organizational Board. Brooklyne had gotten to a point that she wanted her voice to be heard on a bigger stage, reasons why she became Representative to the Organizational Board for the senior class but to my surprise she was planning something bigger. She was planning on taking everything on as the face of Hampton University as Miss Hampton University. With our final tenure at Hampton University coming to a close Brooklyne did exactly that, she became Miss Hampton University and lead the campus leaders including myself to a higher standard. She ultimately became what she always wanted to be which was a beacon of HOPE. So without any further delay lets get to know Brooklyne Baker "The Good Girl".

After graduation like most people Brooklyne was excited to jump into her dream job. During her tenured at Hampton University Brooklyne directed a couple of music videos and stage plays such as (Mothoro x The Jam, Mothoro x Not Speaking, BHX x Boys Don't Cry). So when she was asked "Why do you love directing?" this was her response. "I love directing because I love to lead. I love to bring my vision to life the exact way God gave it to me. It’s the time where I can finally lead without being called “bossy” because that’s a made up word from insecure men that don’t like being led by women. On set I’m a boss, simply put. I love to make people feel, they may not remember the project but they’ll remember how it made them feel. Word to Maya."
Well its clear to see even to this day Brooklyne still has a strong personality and she's making sure everyone feels her presence before she leaves the room. So I had to know exactly what made her choose this career path and where she saw herself in the near future. When asked "What made you choose this career choice and where do you see yourself in a few years?" she replied by saying. "Well most people think I want to direct when in reality, I’m a writer. I write TV and movie scripts, creating powerful stories that combat the one dimensional portrayal of black women but also to humanize and strengthen the way we view each other as humanity. I realized we can use storytelling as a vehicle to social change, this is my instrument in contributing to making the world a better place. In a few years I see myself with every kind of content under my belt such as shows, movies, documentaries, plays any & everything to express my creativity. I see myself giving back to my community in ways I can only dream of now. When I stand before God at the end of my life I hope I don’t have a single bit of talent left and I can say I used all He gave me."

How can you not want to follow this amazing black woman? She's so loving and passionate about her craft and people. Nothing about Brooklyne has changed since being at Hampton University. She's still running after her dreams and it shows in every aspect of her life including "The Good Girl Movement", a movement that was created by Brooklyne herself. This movement is dedicated to redefining what it means to be genuinely and unapologetically good. When asked "What made you start the good girl movement?" this was her response.
"I started the Good Girl Movement because I saw there was a need for a black women safe haven. On this self discovery as we feel like were fucking up and losing ourselves but we’re really becoming exactly who we are supposed to be. Its a redemptive sisterhood, where you can come and just be. Black women can be so hard on themselves and others. I wanted to cultivate a space that was intended for mistakes, growth, and goodness."

Nevertheless Brooklyne Baker is creating a path not only for herself but for everyone watching her story unfold. As we all sit back and watch this magnificent masterpiece be written by God himself. When asked "What's the biggest obstacle you faced so far in your career and what's some advice you can give someone interested in the filming and directing industry?" she respond with confidence. "The biggest obstacle I’ve faced in my career is quitting my first job in the industry because of mistreatment. Realizing that opportunities come & go never sacrifice your peace for opportunity. Some advice I can give someone is reach across. Stop worrying about Ava & Spike, utilize the people on your level & level up together. You’re ready now, don’t convince yourself otherwise. Go out there & create. Then keep creating, someone is gonna feel you.